Before you buy a hardware keylogger, there is one very important question that needs to be answered: Do you have a PS/2 or USB keyboard? Now, that may sound complicated, but it is really easy. You just need to turn your computer around and look to see where the keyboard plugs in:
1. PS/2 Keyboards have a round plug like this:

If this is what you have, you want to order a PS/2(Round Plug) Keylogger
(For help selecting between our two brands of PS/2 Keyloggers, keep reading below.)
2. USB Keyboards have a rectangular plug like this:

If this is what you have, you want to order one of our USB Keyloggers
What About Software Keyloggers?For most users, we recommend our hardware keyloggers. They are simpler to use, more stealthy than any software and record more than enough information for most people. But, for laptop users, the only good option is software.
Frankly, there are a lot of really bad software keylogger programs out there. Spectorsoft is the only brand we would ever trust on our own computers. (But read the information below first so that you understand what you are getting!)
Here are the problems as we see them:
1. Software keyloggers use system resources. In other words, they slow your computer down. Yes, we know that the people selling them swear they don't, but think about it - running any software program slows a computer down. The more the program does, the more it will slow the computer down. They will noticeably slow a fast machine and can really bog down an older one.
Hardware keyloggers (at least the good ones we sell) are completely self-contained and require no software at all. They use no memory and consume zero CPU cycles. They do NOT slow your computer down.
2. Detection and removal by anti-virus and anti-spyware software. Those programs are specifically designed to detect and remove software such as keyloggers and they get better each day. Sooner or later, that expensive keylogger software will be discovered and disabled. It is just a matter of time.
The hardware keyloggers we sell are completely invisible to software and can not be detected except by turning the computer around and seeing it.
3. Who is watching the Spys? Call us cynics, but we are very nervous about running any "stealthy" software on our own computers. What information is being sent back to the programmer? There really isn't any way to know, is there? They already lied to us about their product slowing down our computer - should we now trust them with our sensitive data? This is especially a concern with the cheap versions from no-name companies. With some of these programs, you are literally paying to put a virus on your own computer!
Our hardware keyloggers are self-contained and cannot communicate across a network or send any information to anyone anywhere.
4. Cost of ownership. With software keyloggers, you need to buy a separate license for each computer you install it on.
With our hardware keyloggers you can move them from computer to computer all you want. "Spot" monitoring your family's or business' computers is very cost effective.